DreamTalk X with Beth and Matt McCabe

I first met Matthew McCabe while listening to the Miracle Voices podcast series, which he began with Judy Skutch Whitson and has continued since her death 2021 with Tam Morgan, the current president of the Foundation For Inner Peace. Then, at the workshop with Gary Renard in Paris 2022, I had the chance to make his and his wife’s Beth personal acquaintance and took the opportunity to invite them both to a podcast conversation of my own, where of course Miracle Voices – origins, evolution and experiences – was a major topic. But we also talked: about their nomadic lifestyle and how it affects them as students and as a family with two teenagers, about their slow transition into A Course of Miracles, about their practical Course experiences as a couple – and how, with the help of the Course, they are able to speak more and more freely about their lives because they become less and less attached to their personalities in this lifetime.

Bethany and Matthew McCabe © McCabe
Bethany and Matthew McCabe © McCabe


In the „past“…