DreamTalk VI with Cindy Lora-Renard

In Part II of our presentation of Cindys new book »The Business of Forgiveness. Healing Yourself Through the Practice of A Course in Miracles« we are speaking about Cindys »coming out« as a Course teacher and how Gary and Cindy found their balance as a teaching couple. Further what our »look« on the »looks« of spiritual teachers can teach us. The fear of change and how to deal with it. In which way connecting with the innocence of nature can help us to connect with our true being in oneness beyond all the differences made up by the initial separation of God. Finally, Cindy demonstrates by the example of extraterrestrials that, if we could be comfortable with so seemingly different beings, it would be a good sign of our spiritual advancement. But meanwhile we could begin with our own population on earth, even the members of our family and, of course, ourselves. Let’s begin here and now and make a real difference staying vigilant only for what unites us really.

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